The same goes when you are flirting online with a guy. Friendly banter on chat is fine but you have to know how far can be termed as harmless flirting and what the guy would deduce if you go further. If you are initiating a conversation on a dating app and you want to sound casual yet interested. Your odds of online flirting success depend entirely on when to say GOWM (go out with me?) and when to suggest Netflix and Chill. Say either too soon and you risk being ghosted or giving the person on the other end wrong ideas. Online flirting is a lot like sitting on the fence and you have to maintain a fine balance. One innuendo used here or one sexually explicit hint dropped there, could tip that balance and give out the wrong signals. That’s why many people get down to flirting online anonymously. But if you are planning to get online flirting success then our advice to you would be to be yourself. Then follow our tips and you are all set.

21 Fail-Proof Online Flirting Tips You Can’t Go Wrong With

Flirting online is almost the same as flirting IRL, almost being the operative word here. Since you don’t have the advantage of conveying your intent with gestures and body language, being careful with your words and smart about your moves is the way to go when flirting through a dating app. When you are indulging in online flirting you have to be receptive. When you flirt online with a woman, you must latch on to the common flirting signs guys miss. Likewise, the key to flirt online with a guy is to stick to that middle ground where you come across as interested but not too eager to take things forward. It helps to have some cheeky or quirky one-liners up your sleeve when you are flirting online. These can go a long way in keeping the wheel of conversation churning. However, when we say cheeky, we don’t mean online flirting lines like “I think of you first thing in the morning” or “I always thought I never had any addiction till I met you”. Such corny pick-up lines are best left where they belong – in the 80s! Other than using your words smartly, there’s a lot more you can do to find flirting success online. To help you get started, here are 21 fail-proof online flirting tips that you just can’t go wrong with.

1. Start with a “Hello” instead of “Hey’

This is the fastest possible way to put off the person on the other end. Even while sending professional messages on WhatsApp if someone starts with a “Hey”, I feel like writing back “Get Lost”. The person you are flirting with might be too polite not to do something like that but if you start with a “Hello” or “Good evening” it shows your manners are in place. Try these online flirting examples to bowl the other person over. Considering how ‘Ssup’ has become a standard conversation starter in texting parlance, using a proper greeting can be refreshing when you flirt online with a woman or a man.

2. Have a good vocabulary

When Bee Gees sang the song “It’s only words….words are all I have to take your heart away” online flirting wasn’t didn’t even exist. But those awesome men were well aware that words play an important role if you are trying to woo someone. We would suggest work on your vocab. Keep interesting but easily understandable words handy and garnish them with dollops of humor. Once you see how it works like a charm, there won’t be any reason for you to continue online flirting anonymously.

3. Make your intention clear

You may be flirting because you want to get a taste of the hook-up culture, date casually or find a serious, meaningful connection with someone. While flirting online with a guy or a girl, make your intention clear so that you both are on the same page in terms of expectations. At the same time, understand theirs. After all, if you go full sentimental on someone who’s just looking for casual fun, being ghosted is almost a foregone conclusion. Likewise, texts loaded with sexual innuendos can ruin your chances of building connection with someone you may genuinely like. But if it’s a hook-up you are looking for, the long-term prospects don’t matter. In that case, having a sex chat will work, otherwise not.

4. Pick up something interesting from the profile

If you want to have a fun conversation but at the same time don’t want to come across as too nosy or risk saying something offensive, pick up something they wrote in their profile and talk about it. One of the online flirting examples of this could be sending cute doggo GIFs or memes to someone who loves dogs or seems to be smitten by their pet. It could be anything like their scuba diving hobby they have talked about or the goatee that looks good on them. Make it fun and interesting when you talk about what’s there on their profile.

5. Give an honest compliment

Everyone likes a nice compliment, so you can’t really do wrong with these. If you are complimenting a guy or a girl, keep it genuine and don’t go overboard. Since you are flirting online (and we are assuming you have not met yet), your understanding of who they are will be limited to what their profile tells you. So, going overboard with your compliments can be seen as online flirting signs of desperation. Keep it simple and genuine. “Your toned abs are fitness goals” “You smile so spontaneously!” are nice genuine compliments. These are online flirting examples you can put to good use.

6. Give proper answers

When you are chatting with someone online, giving definitive answers is important. Just saying a mere ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to whatever the other person asks can be seen as a sign of lack of interest. Unless they are asking something you’re not comfortable talking about or too personal, take the time to share your thoughts with them. One of our online flirting tips is to let your responses show that you’re invested in the conversation. Add a bit of humor to it or ask a question in turn, and the conversation will just flow. It doesn’t hurt to slip in a few online flirting lines here and there, just make sure they’re contextual.

7. Send them a photo that says who you are

None of your body parts, please. Sending nudes or asking for them definitely counts as online flirting signs of desperation. No matter how lit your interactions have been so far, a revealing photo is sure to put the other person off and send them scuttling. Instead, share your photo with the morning cuppa standing at your apartment balcony. You can share a picture of your reading nook or one of your pets’ day out. They would not only go “aww” but a photo like this says a great deal about who you are. Also, if you are letting them in on your Instagram profile share photos sensibly.

8. Be there on the other end of the chat

Yes, we understand it’s not always possible to be glued to your phone just because you want to succeed at flirting online. But keeping them waiting for too long isn’t an option either. If you take 5 hours or a day to respond to their texts, the person on the other end would either lose interest in you or think that you are playing hard to get. If not immediately, try to reply within half an hour. If you are in a meeting or swamped with work, tell them a convenient time to chat so that they have your full attention. Also, playing online flirting games like not texting first but always responding doesn’t get you very far. Keep it real, keep it legit!

9. Move to video chat

While flirting online you need to follow some online dating rules. If you have developed a certain rapport, then you can shift to video chat. No, don’t sit in front of that poster of a nude girl in your room during your first video interaction. And if you’re making the transition from flirting online with a woman to video calling, make the effort to look presentable. Put on a nice t-shirt – yes, the one with your favorite music band or web series, works like a charm and makes for a great conversation starter – and comb your hair. Similarly, as you prep for the flirt-online-with-a-guy-to-video-chat transition, don’t show up looking like you’re going to walk the red carpet. Dress up and wear makeup, by all means, but remember to keep it cool.

10. Never send indecent photos

You took a photo of yours in the shower and you think your abs look great but think twice before sending it out. This might be considered indecent by the recipient and send all your online flirting success so far crashing to the ground. Unless you have attained a certain comfort level with the person you are chatting with, or they ask for your raunchy snaps, never shoot off one.

11. Don’t ask prying questions

That’s another thing you really have to keep in mind. If she says things didn’t work out with her ex don’t ask prying questions about her ex. Or if he went on an expensive holiday don’t try to find out how he could afford it. This is the worst online flirting mistake you can make and this can be the worst put off. If you sense that the person is being evasive about a particular topic based on their responses, just drop it and move on. Now, would also be a great time to use some funny online flirting lines to cut the tension. For instance, you could try, ‘Okay, forget the ex, tell me if I Googled you, what’s the most scandalous thing I’d find?

12. Online flirting allows you to be funny

If you already have a sense of humor use it full throttle. If you don’t have one, acquire it. You can read up funny online questions to ask someone you’re interested in or learn ways to make a girl laugh. Humor – intelligent and subtle of course – always has a way of working. If you have a dry sense of humor, tread carefully though. Not everyone gets or appreciates sarcasm or sharp jibes. Oh, and make sure your jokes are not culturally offensive or sexist.

13. Don’t be anxious about how you look

If you’ve airbrushed the photos you’ve used on your dating profile, you may get all self-conscious when you go on video chat. Don’t be. And also don’t get lured by a person’s social media profile, because they are probably doing more Photoshop than you. You should be cool about the way you look. If they still like you, they will keep flirting online and have fun. If they don’t, the best things are not meant for them. Move on.

14. Look at it as a slow process

When flirting online you don’t become best pals the first day, romantic partners the next day and you meet up the day after. Online flirting is a slow process just like real dating is. As it takes time to come to the all-important third date in real life, the same way establishing a comfort level while talking online takes time. Take your time to read the online flirting signs you get from them. Only when you’re fairly certain that they’re genuine and you’re both vibing, should you consider next steps. Take it slow and savor the process.

15. Don’t be narcissistic

Talk! Talk! Talk! Talk about yourself only. Ugh! That’s such a put-off. Hope you know narcissists are incapable of having relationships. If you come across as a narcissist, only talking about yourself and showing the least interest in the other person, rest assured you are not impressing anyone. They will hit the block button sooner or later. Be aware that people usually prefer to stay away from anyone exhibiting narcissistic traits.

16. Play a fun online game

If you are flirting online, then maybe playing a game would be a good idea. Try out a Never Have I Ever Question game online to get to know the other person better. Or you could try your hand at a virtual version of Truth or Dare. Online flirting games can be a great way to keep the conversations fun, light and engaging, and also give you insight into the other person. You can join multiplayer games like Among Us and Roblox and have a lot of fun in the virtual world.

17. Ask 100 questions

That’s another thing you could do. There are questions you can ask to know the person on the other side better. Take your pick from our list of 100 questions for her and for him and weave them into your conversations. Don’t try to ask it all at once. They would become exhausted even before they start flirting. Slip in the questions now and then and build upon their answers to flirt with them. Now, that’s some A-level online flirting that you just cannot go wrong with.

18. Use a lot of emojis

You can really express a lot through emojis. If you find yourself tongue-tied at something the other person has said, emojis can come to your rescue and save the conversation from fizzling out. Of course, you don’t want to make things too explicit at the outset, so choose your emojis wisely. Using the eggplant emoji to convey you’re horny as you flirt online with a guy isn’t particularly appealing. Neither is sending a poop emoji funny nor the bikini emoji sexy. Also, don’t overdo the use of emojis. Use your words as far as possible. Of course, emojis can be a fine accompaniment but not a replacement to actual words

19. Gauge their reaction and use sexual undertones

As you put these online flirting tips into practice, things will get to a point where your flirting will take on some sexual overtones. If you’re not sure how your sexual innuendos will be received as you flirt online with a woman, test the waters first. Once you have developed a comfort level, you can veer toward erotic talk and gauge their reaction. If they give in wholeheartedly, you’re all set for sexting land.

20. Don’t push it too much

A sensible tip for online flirting is to never be pushy or needy. Be happy with the information they provide and don’t probe a lot. The person you’re talking to may have had a troubled childhood or maybe just out of an abusive relationship and may not want to talk about these things. They’d open up when they know you better. So allow them space and time to reveal the not-so-pleasant details at their own pace. Never push things too far on the personal front.

21. Make online flirting relaxing and enjoyable

That’s the whole idea. Flirting should be fun. Even if you are flirting with your spouse who is living under the same roof as you, you surely enjoy the whole process. The person you are flirting with should look forward to the chat sessions with you. You have become successful at online flirting if the person you are chatting with tells you they were waiting for you to come online. Bingo! There you go.

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