When you start a conversation with a girl on text message, you begin with the usual small talk, discussing each other’s likes and dislikes to find out what you both have in common. But what happens when the small talk ends? You run out of good conversation topics for texting a girl and don’t know what to do next. Fret not, for we’re here to tell you unique ways to start a conversation with a girl. Prepare to say goodbye to your days of being left on read.

5 Tips On How To Start A Conversation With A Girl On Text

You like a girl, you manage to get her number and then you start texting. You compliment her or ask her about her day but things don’t seem to move forward. Take out your books and pen because you are gonna wanna write this down! Here are 5 fundamental tips to keep in mind when you start a conversation with a girl on text message:1) Don’t be a dry texter. Keep things interesting2) Choose the right timing. You cannot message her at 3 am to ask her about her day3) Respect her space. Don’t bombard her on every platform with messages4) Choose words wisely. Don’t offend her by being too direct or crass5) Be yourself. Have faith in yourself and don’t try to be someone you aren’t

How To Start Conversation With A Girl On Text?

Now that you have the tips to start a conversation with a girl on text, let’s talk about actually starting the conversation. It’s one thing to know the best lines to start a conversation with a girl over text, and quite another to hold her interest and keep the back-and-forth of text notifications going. If you want to woo a girl online before you take things forward with her IRL, this back and forth is the key. It indicates that she is interested in what you have to say and wants to keep talking to you. That will only happen if you’re saying the right things at the right time. To get there and turn around your texting game, pay attention to these pro tips on how to start a conversation with a girl on text:

1. Think about who she is

The nature, tone, and timing of your text messages should depend on who she is to you. Are you trying to start a conversation with a girl who likes you? Is she a coworker you have a crush on? A friend you have developed feelings for? Or a complete stranger whose DMs you’re sliding into? Your equation with her – or lack thereof – determines which unique way to start a conversation with a girl you should choose. 

2. Don’t lead with just ‘hi’

Whether you want to start a conversation with a girl you don’t know or learn what to text your girlfriend to start a conversation, a plain ‘hi’ won’t get you far. If she doesn’t know you, you’ll most probably be consigned to the seen-zone. And if she is your crush or girlfriend, she will feel underwhelmed by the approach. Instead, you can ask her about her day, or compliment her on something she did when the two of you were together. 

3. Ask open-ended questions

When learning how to start a conversion with a girl on text, the idea is to draw her into the conversation, and open-ended questions are your best ally in achieving that goal. After you start a conversation with a girl, the key to keeping it going is making it about her. Not only will this make her see that you’re invested in getting to know her better but also draw her out to talk to you more proactively. It will enable you to lead the conversation somewhere and come across as a person she looks forward to talking to. Remember, nobody likes a dry texter. 

4. Keep your messages brief

Whether you want to start a conversation with a girl who likes you already or someone you’re trying to woo, don’t go into overdrive. No one wants to read a mini-essay on text, no matter how skillfully you word it or how earnestly you put forth your feelings. The best lines to start a conversation with a girl over text are the ones that are succinct, to-the-point, and leave her wanting more.

5. Don’t inundate her with messages

How to start a conversation with a girl on text? The answer to that question also lies in how not to text a girl. If she hasn’t responded to your previous message, hold your horses. Don’t inundate her with messages. It’s desperate and no one likes to deal with that. 

6. Learn to take a hint

When you start a conversation with a girl on text whom you don’t know keep a note of the timing. If the conversation is starting to feel forced and dragged out, say goodbye on some pretext. Then, wait a couple of days AT LEAST before you touch base again. It keeps the curiosity alive and saves you from an awkward ending. This way, you will leave her wanting more of the conversation because it ended on a happy note. 

22 Things To Text A Girl To Start A Conversation

When you like a girl a lot, you want to make her laugh, and want her to remember you even when you both are not texting. You want the conversation to be memorable and want to stand out from the others. To be able to do that, you need to know unique ways to start a conversation with a girl Don’t worry, we know just the right things to start a conversation with a girl on text so that the next time you ask yourself, “How do I keep a girl interested while texting?”, you know exactly what to do. Use these 22 messages to start a conversation with a girl and watch her swoon over your communication skills!

1. Hey, busy bee!

If you are wondering what to text a girl to start a conversation, the simplest thing would be to drop a message that just reminds her of you, with an emoji or two. Sometimes she needs to be reminded that you exist and are waiting for her reply, especially if you are texting each other after a long time. Such a message will remind her that you are waiting for her reply and will make her focus on you more. She will feel good that you’ve been thinking about her.  Shawn, 23,  says this is his go-to opening text to a girl when he can’t think of anything better. And he claims it always elicits a response. So, you can use this confidently, knowing that it’s a tried-and-tested trick.

2. How was your day?

In the evening, when things get dull, you can brighten up her mood and ask her about her day. It is a good conversation starter and she will feel that you care for her. You can also tell her about your day and the different things you do to relax on a hectic day. This is a bankable message to start texting a girl when you’re looking to have an extended conversation with her. As you trade details of your respective days, you can throw in some interesting questions in the mix to keep her engaged and interested. You can count on this to work every single time, except when you are trying to start a conversation with a girl you don’t know. In that case, this one will just land wrong and you’re going to get yourself added to the list of creeps trying to slide into her DMs.

3. Hey, stop thinking about me!

If you are looking for a flirty text to start a conversation with a girl, go for this one. This is a good way to start a conversation by bringing a bit of humor into it. It will make her smile and she will see you as a guy who knows how to make people laugh. It is a smart and cheeky line that will bring a smile to her face and you can continue the conversation from there. Adira, a college student, confesses that this line actually worked like a charm on her. This guy she was interested in had sent her this text when they were still testing the waters. “The message caught me off guard for I was actually thinking about him when he texted me this. Things just took off from there. We’ve been dating for 6 months now.”

4. This video cracked me up. I think you should watch it

Videotext a girl to start a conversation but do ensure it is pure fun and not offensive in any way. When the conversation dies or is about to die, you can share a meme or a funny video to refresh things. This will prevent the conversation from getting dull and you’ll be able to talk about something again. It can be a great way to start a conversation with a girl on text and also learn more about her. However, steer clear of sexist jokes, explicit content, or images.

5. Ignoring me already?

Many times we meet someone, start talking to them but then start to lose contact with them because we get so busy with our hectic schedules. This might happen to you and this is one of the best lines to start a conversation with a girl over text, once again. If she wasn’t doing it on purpose, she will apologize for ignoring you and you both can pick up things from where you left off. This can be a great follow-up after the first conversation with a girl on chat, especially if there has been radio silence ever since. This can also be a great way to start a conversation with a girl you don’t know and whose DMs you’ve been trying to slide into in the hope of hitting it off. If your attempts haven’t yielded results yet, give this a try and it might just turn things around for you.

6. What’s your idea for a Friday night?

Fridays are the beginning of the weekend and what you do on a Friday night tells a lot about your personality. If she is a party person then it means that she is an extrovert and a social animal and if she prefers staying at home and indulging in some binge-watching, it means that she prefers her own space. Moreover, it’s a great conversation starter! You both can share about the things you love to do on Friday nights and talk about how you look forward to the weekend. This is also among the interesting questions to ask a girl in the getting-to-know-each-other phase. Besides, it will give you some bankable first-date ideas should you decide to take things forward.

7. What kind of music do you like? Any recommendations?

There comes a phase where you will run out of things to compliment her on. That’s when this awesome conversation comes in handy. It is also the best answer to what to text your girlfriend to start a conversation during the initial phase of a relationship.

8. Are you mom’s favorite or dad’s?

Thinking about what to text your girlfriend to start a conversation that includes her family? This is a sensitive topic and will get her to talk more about her personal life. You can begin by asking about who she thinks pampers her the most and go toward talking about her favorite childhood memories. She will be pleased to see that you’re so interested in her life. Anuk says this was the text message that helped thaw the ice with a girl he had a huge crush on and took things to the next level. “We’re now engaged to be married,” he beams.

9. If you could have one superpower, what would want it to be?

Everyone dreams of what it would be like if they were a superhero and she will have something in mind too. It will also get you both to use your imaginative skills and talk about the things you both would do if you had the superpower. She will also like it that you’re not the typical guy who is just restricted to hobbies

10. If you were asked to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

At first, she might feel like you are taking an interview of some sort but the trick here is to give funny answers when she asks you the same question. If you’re wondering what to text a girl to start a conversation that makes her smile, this is one you can count on. Your funny replies will make her laugh. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best ice-breaker questions for dating.

11. What is your favorite combination when it comes to food?

Food is not just the key to a man’s heart. It is also the key to a good conversation. You can count on such light-hearted and quirky questions to start a conversation with a girl on text whom you don’t know. Since you’re practically strangers,  she may not be comfortable sharing personal details with you. That’s why such conversation starters are the perfect alternative to keep her hooked.

12. What did you want to become when you were a kid?

Wondering what to text your girlfriend to start a conversation? This is it! You both can delve deep into nostalgia with this question. There would be so many memories and backstories attached to this question. This is a great conversation starter and can go a long way. She will become more open to you and will start sharing more. Jeremy, a part-time actor, and full-time boyfriend cites this as one of the best messages to start a conversation with a girl on text “With this one girl I was just getting to know, this simple question opened up so many avenues of conversation. We discovered we had so much in common that it felt like connecting with an old friend. We kept talking till late into the night 2 years later, we still love talking to each other,” he says.

13. Which series are you binge-watching?

If you want to start a conversation with a girl on text and keep it casual, talking about TV and web series choices is a safe territory that will also help you assess how similar or different your interests are. Besides, there’s so much to talk about when it comes to talking about TV shows and web series. If you haven’t seen the one she is currently watching, then you can ask her more about it and also share the kind of series you like to watch. All in all, this one is a winner among the best lines to start a conversation with a girl over text.

14. What is the craziest thing you’ve done?

What to text a girl to start a conversation so that she just wouldn’t be able to resist replying? It’s time to once again delve deep into nostalgia and talk about the crazy things that you both have done. She will share some crazy experiences of hers and you both will get to know each other more. This is one of the best messages to start a conversation with a girl in text because it’ll instantly help you see her adventurous side without coming off as too intrusive.

15. Would you eat in a restaurant that is dirty but serves amazing food or vice versa?

If you are a foodie and think about fulfilling your foodie dream with a girl, then this question would be important to you. Knowing how important food is to her will help to ascertain whether she is the one. If she has the same thoughts about food as you do, then you’ll have so much more to talk about and this conversation would have no end.

16. Which was the funniest meme you saw last?

What to text your girlfriend to start a conversation? Ask her about memes! There’s always one meme that cracks us up a lot. When you feel that you’ve run out of conversation topics and don’t have anything else to talk about, then discussing memes can work. You both can start a meme war too by responding to each other’s texts in memes. This can effortlessly steer the conversation into a fun, light-hearted zone, allowing you both to shed your inhibitions and talk more freely. It’s a fun way to start a conversation with a girl on Instagram, and you can take it to the next level by sharing some of the trending memes with her.

17. Hey! How was the movie last night?

If it’s been some hours since you both have spoken to each other, you can start a conversation by asking her about something that she has done recently, like a recent movie she has watched. Asking her what the movie was about and how she liked it is a good conversation starter. You can compliment her about her movie choices and include some subtle flirting by asking her if you can join her for a movie next time. One of the best lines to start a conversation with a girl that has the potential to get you the first date. 

18. Just finished watching a series. Any recommendations?

One of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl on text is to ask for her opinion to showcase that you value her. And the easiest topic is asking about recommendations for a series. This is a bankable topic to start a conversation with a girl on text when you’re not ready to talk about more serious or intimate things. Who knows, it may lead you to Netflix and chill together.

19. Which is your favorite foreign country?

What to text your girlfriend to start a conversation? Talk about her travel plans and bucket-list destinations. If you have been hitting it off so far, so you can also use this as an excuse to suggest making travel plans together. “Mia and I were talking to each other for the first time when she said she wanted to visit Ireland. I had recently visited the place and had fallen in love with it. I suggested we take a trip together, and she agreed. About 6 months later, we did. And the rest, as they say, is history,” says Tom a medical student who has been dating his girlfriend for almost a year. 

20. This made me think of you 

How to start a conversation with a girl on text? Let her know you think about her even when you are not talking. This is one of the best lines to start a conversation with a girl you have been talking to for a while because it will make her feel seen. This is also a great line for when you want to ask her out on a date and make her say yes because, after this text, she will already be swooning over you! 

21. How’s work treating you?

Work-life sucks for some and some people actually love their job. You can go about asking her how her job is and how she feels about it. If she hates her job then bickering about your jobs can be a good way to start a conversation with a girl on text. If she sees this as an opportunity to vent, be receptive and listen patiently. Hearing her out will make her see you as someone she can turn to when she needs someone to talk to.

22. Tell me something you haven’t told anyone yet

This could be a secret that could be weird, kinky, funny, or maybe embarrassing. Whatever it is, it is a good conversation starter as it gets her thinking and sharing stuff that she hasn’t shared with anyone else before. If she shares it with you then it means that she’s including you in her inner circle. Now starting a conversation with a girl doesn’t seem an ordeal anymore. The above texts are simple yet effective and will help you stand out from the rest of the crowd. She won’t think you to be the typical guy and she’ll soon include you in her inner circle. Moreover, you’ll get to know so much more about her personality. You won’t have to think twice before texting a girl anymore.

How To Start Conversation With A Girl On Text  And What To Text  - 69How To Start Conversation With A Girl On Text  And What To Text  - 71How To Start Conversation With A Girl On Text  And What To Text  - 1