Why’s that, you ask? For starters, a chubby girlfriend is probably the most fun person you can find. Not only will you both have an intense emotional connection, but you’ll also be in a relationship with someone who isn’t as basic as the rest and has a defined personality that she didn’t borrow from her favorite sitcom.  So, if you’re thinking about what the benefits are of dating chubby girls, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s list out the 10 best things about dating a chubby girl so you don’t end up missing out on one of the finest experiences of your life.

The 10 Best Reasons For Dating A Chubby Girl 

If the immediate rapport you two have established hasn’t swooped you off your feet yet, you’re probably taking a lot of things for granted. “Should I date a fat girl?” isn’t even a question that should be on your mind if you two can’t stop laughing every time you meet.  Let’s be clear, her body size doesn’t really define her personality, and you shouldn’t be dating a chubby girl simply because she’s chubby. As is the case in any other dynamic, you should only date a person if you like their personality and are attracted to them — if that’s important to you. Those are the basic essentials of relationships, not a person’s weight. With that said, let’s take a look at the benefits of dating a fat girl so you can get rid of any regressive thoughts that might be plaguing your mind:

1. If you’re dating a chubby girl, you’re dating someone confident in her skin

How long can you really browse the internet, watch something, or even watch an advertisement without seeing the pin-up girl pop up on your screen, reinstating the idea that the only way to be beautiful is to follow the standards that have been forcefully established since time immemorial?  If you have a chubby girlfriend, know that you have someone strong enough to question those norms and live life according to her own terms. She doesn’t get intimidated by the size zeros and pin-up girls; she knows she’s stunning regardless of her weight.

2. Chubby girls are usually smarter and capable of critical thinking

Just how much longer can you go out with someone who wears beige Uggs, tight jeans, always has a pumpkin spice latte, and doesn’t care much about anything apart from what Chris Evans is doing? A chubby girlfriend defines her own happiness by figuring out what matters to her. By questioning the societal norms of beauty, she makes it apparent that she doesn’t just give in to what’s been established and is capable of forming her own opinions.  Trust us, if you’re looking for a smart partner, do away with questions like “Should I date a fat girl?” immediately.

3. She’ll show you how to be confident 

Since she’s so comfortable in her own skin and so proudly accepts herself for who she is, she’s undoubtedly going to teach you how to do the same. Do you have insecurity issues? Say goodbye to them; she’s going to show you how to love yourself.  As a result, not only will dating a chubby girl show you what true emotional intimacy feels like, it’ll also show you how delightful it feels to be able to love yourself. 

4. The haters can all buzz off

Have you struggled with people who constantly criticize you? Have you ever uploaded a picture that received one too many hateful comments, which got you down? Don’t fret, one of the biggest benefits of dating a fat girl is that she’ll show you how to block off the negative voices that do you no good.  Unfortunately, the world we live in may have subjected her to a lot of bullying. Eventually, she learns how to deal with the haters and quickly learns to dismiss them.  “I used to struggle a lot with my acne, but my chubby girlfriend helped me realize that loving myself is the best thing I can do for myself,” said Joey, adding, “Every time someone tried to make me feel bad about my appearance, I’d think about what she told me. It doesn’t really matter what they’re saying, as long as I love myself.” Sticks and stones, baby, sticks and stones.

5. A BBW girlfriend could mean explosive sexual chemistry 

All right, let’s not beat around the bush any longer. A lot of people have a sexual thing for plus-size women, and to be honest, we can see why. If you’re the kind of person who is looking for a BBW girlfriend for sexual reasons, you’re in for some of the best chemistry you’re ever going to experience.  However, make sure you let her know if sex is your primary motivating factor. Just because you have a fetish doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be straightforward about it. 

6. Dating a chubby girl means dating someone who’s not insecure 

An insecure girlfriend can end up projecting her insecurities onto you and hence damage the relationship. Though insecurities are nothing you can’t work past, the fact that your chubby girlfriend is likely not going to have any of them is a bonus.  You won’t see any jealousy pangs and you won’t struggle to have any personal space. There probably won’t be any trust issues, and your dynamic will feel sweeter than any other you may have had in the past. Could a chubby girl dating you get any better? 

7. Get ready for the best cuddles ever 

Dating chubby girls means you’re never going to struggle to figure out what to do with your arms in bed while you’re cuddling. It’ll be like you’re both two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly, all cozied up under the blankets.  There’s no denying that a chubby girlfriend makes for a better cuddling partner than you could have ever hoped for. So if you’re looking for a cuffing season partner, dating chubby girls is probably for you. 

8. She doesn’t judge others too quickly 

“My chubby girlfriend never judges anyone, even though they may be throwing a fit. She’s been subjected to a lot of bullying and harsh remarks while growing up, so she knows what it’s like to be on the other side,” says Joey.  In all likelihood, if you’re dating a chubby girl, you’re dating someone who’s a nice person and doesn’t like to make assumptions about people. If you’re looking to learn the virtue of kindness, you’ve found yourself the best possible partner for it. 

9. She probably has a great sense of humor

Forget about trying to make a girl laugh all the time; her sense of humor will leave you breathless from all the laughing you’re going to be doing. More often than not, a chubby girl dating you is going to show you what being with someone really funny feels like.  And once you realize that you two are all smiles together, you might just never let this person go. You can thank us later! 

10. She’s her own person, regardless of what her body type is 

At the end of the day, you shouldn’t really be dating a chubby girl solely because she’s chubby. It doesn’t really matter what her “body type” is as long as you two go great together. She has a rich personality beyond the way she looks, and that’s the person you should be falling in love with. 

Dating A Chubby Girl And Body-Shaming: A Few Things To Know

If you’re worried about the body-shaming remarks the world spews out, or if she has insecurity issues, unless she lets you in and asks for help, it’s really none of your business.  Besides, a BBW girlfriend isn’t just a means to satisfy your sexual fantasy. If that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for, and it’s purely motivated by lust, make sure the person you are with is fully aware of that.  And under no circumstances should you make fun of her weight. Unless you want to remind her of all the mean classmates she’s had her whole life, it’s best to always be kind to her, as she is to you. Our advice? Don’t think too much. It’s just like falling in love, and her body type has nothing to do with it. Let the sudden influx of dopamine rush into your brain. The minute the sky looks bluer and the wind sounds sweeter, you’ll realize a lot of things are falling into place before you even realize it.  As we pointed out, dating a chubby girl can be one of the best experiences of your life. Hopefully, you’re not pondering over “Should I date a fat girl?” anymore or letting something as bizarre as that hold you back. Jump in with both feet.

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