“It is either my way or highway.” Sometimes, you may believe that you’re looking out for yourself. But in reality, you’re just a selfish boyfriend/girlfriend.  When you’re disagreeing with your partner and you insist things go your way, you might be coming off as dismissive about their opinion. Small things like this can start to plant seeds of resentment in your partner.  This easy quiz, consisting of just seven questions, will help you figure it out. Maybe, your partner is right about their accusations. Maybe, you’re the reason why a balance is lacking in physical and emotional intimacy. Take this accurate ‘selfish relationship quiz’ and find out! Before taking the ‘Am I selfish in my relationship’ quiz, here are some examples of selfishness in relationships:

Losing your mind when you don’t get immediate repliesThreatening to leave your partnerTrying to win arguments like it’s the OlympicsGuilt tripping your partner to get what you wantCompeting with your partner

Finally, if the results of the quiz say that you’re selfish, don’t worry. You can take accountability in relationships by starting small. Once you start experiencing the ‘giver’s high’, there is no going back. Always look out for yourself. But also your partner. If you find yourself struggling at any point, don’t shy away from seeking professional help. Our counselors from Bonobology’s panel are just a click away.

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