Love is obviously important in any relationship but there are also a whole lot of other things a woman needs as well. And by these other things, we don’t mean money, a lavish house, the newest car on the market, or you not talking to other women. Nor do they need you to prove how strong and manly you are. So what is a woman looking for in a relationship? Each woman is unique and, therefore, has different expectations and preferences when it comes to her partner. While there is no reliable algorithm that can precisely predict the list of qualities every woman wants in a man, there are definitely some basic traits she is looking for. So let’s find out what a woman wants from a man in a relationship.

Top 15 Things A Woman Wants From A Man In A Relationship

People want different things from their partners in a relationship. While a lot of these needs are also unique to individuals, there are a few broad generalizations that we can make when it comes to what women want from men. They say it’s quite a task to find out what a woman actually wants. You could ask her directly about it but, let’s face it, that is much easier said than done. But, worry not! We’re here to help you understand what a woman is looking for in a relationship. Relationships are all about finding and further developing the emotional connection between two people. So first and foremost, she wishes to be valued, respected, and treated no less than an equal. It takes a lot of time, effort and trust to build a relationship and women do appreciate it if you take the initiative to really know them and fulfill their needs. Well, there is neither a rule book on the kind of man every woman wants nor any guarantee that your relationship will last forever if you meet all of your woman’s needs. But our guide can definitely help you establish a healthier relationship and keep that romantic spark alive in your paradise. Want to decode your woman? Here are 15 things a woman wants from a man in a relationship:

1. What a woman wants from a man in a relationship is love and affection

One of the most important things a woman wants from a man in a relationship is his love and affection. She needs to feel loved and cherished abundantly. She needs to know that you’re interested in her and that you will not let her go. Women appreciate men who are affectionate, give them time, and pay attention to their wishes. A woman appreciates a sense of closeness – physical, mental, or emotional. Whether it’s looking at her from a distance or holding her in your arms, she will appreciate your displays of affection. Be vocal about your love for her, surprise her with small cute gestures, make her laugh, and take good care of her. That’s what a woman needs from a man.

2. Respect and value them

What does a lady expect from a man when she is dating him? This one goes without saying. Women want men who can value and respect them, and that’s a no-brainer. Mutual respect is extremely important and forms the basic foundation of any relationship. Women need to know that you understand, respect, and value their opinions and choices. You don’t have to be grand with your gestures in making her feel that way. Just small words of appreciation to show that you value and respect their contribution to your life can work wonders. Show her that she is heard, that you support her, and that you respect the way she thinks and views the world. That is all you need to make a woman know that you are the one for her!

3. What a woman needs from a man is to be heard

A woman absolutely loves it when her partner patiently listens to what she has to say. It makes her feel heard and important in the relationship, and to him. So if you’re busy on your laptop or phone while she’s trying to tell you something that is important to her, she will get annoyed, and for good reason. Listening skills are what a woman wants from a man in a relationship. Therefore, pay close attention to what she has to say, look at her, and ask her how she’s feeling or how her day was at work. She should feel that you’re emotionally present and invested in the relationship and willing to hear her out well, no matter what she has to say.

4. Communication and honesty are extremely important

What a woman wants from a man in a relationship is utter honesty. Women appreciate men who are honest about their feelings and opinions and also know how to communicate them well. In order to do that, you must talk to your partner about your needs and desires. Tell her how you feel. Be as honest with her as you possibly can. Wouldn’t you want your woman to communicate her needs and thoughts to you without creating a mystery around herself? You would, would you not? Then, make sure you do the same for her and don’t keep her guessing about what’s on your mind or what emotional state you’re in. After a nervous breakdown or a bad day in the office, you may want to recluse and not talk to anyone. That’s fine and it’s okay to take your space. But know that eventually, you’re going to have to talk to her about it because she is probably worried sick about you. Don’t leave her hanging, tell her what’s going on with you. That is what makes a relationship strong.

5. Be a good friend to her

Friendship is another key foundation for a relationship. As her partner, you are the person she can trust most with her thoughts and emotions. Make sure to not lose that because sometimes what women want from men is plain friendship within the relationship. Yes, as a boyfriend too, you may sometimes have to play the part of her best friend. On some days, she will need you to fill in those shoes. She may have inhibitions or hold back if it’s a totally new relationship. At this point, it’s your responsibility to make sure she’s comfortable. Talk to her and be there for her like a friend. Be kind, understanding, and accepting of her.

6. Treat her like an equal

Female expectations in a relationship are really not that overboard or anything and are actually pretty straightforward. It’s the 21st century and it’s no surprise that what a woman wants from a man in a relationship is to be treated like an equal. Women have been considered the inferior gender for ages now. But not anymore. They want men who treat them as equals in a relationship, whether it’s socially, financially, or sexually. They want the kind of man who believes in equality, gives the same importance to their dreams and aspirations and respects their decisions. Women want men who never try to silence or belittle them.

7. What does a lady expect from a man? Confidence and stability

These are two things that absolutely draw women to men. Women appreciate men who are confident in their skin and can carry themselves well in any social situation. They like men who know what they want, believe in themselves, and can handle difficult situations. They enjoy it when you can hold a conversation and keep them interested and curious, with a lot of things to say and talk about. Stability is also crucial – financially and emotionally – when it comes to knowing women’s expectations in a relationship. They are basically looking for a man who has control over his emotions and doesn’t take off at the slightest trouble. A woman wants a man she can rely on if something goes wrong, not somebody who would bolt or chicken out at the sign of a threat.

8. They appreciate vulnerability too

Yes, they absolutely do! A woman appreciates a man who can open up to her and be vulnerable in front of her. Forget the narrative that movies told you that women only like handsome hunks without a shred of emotion in them. What a woman wants from a man in a relationship is far different from that. She doesn’t need you to prove how strong and macho you are. You can’t build a relationship if you are unwilling to show her your emotional or vulnerable side. Open up to your woman and see how connected and comfortable she feels. If you’re closed off and reluctant to let go of your powerful position, then she will also find it difficult to open up to you. Be curious about what makes her happy or upset and try to build healthy emotional intimacy in your relationship that goes both ways.

9. Make her feel safe and secure

What a woman needs from a man is to be made to feel safe and secure. A woman needs to be secure about her man and the relationship. Make her feel protected, not insecure and worried. It is only when she feels safe that she will be able to drop her defenses and really connect with you. Be honest with her. A woman needs to know that you’re sure about her. She needs clarity about where the relationship is going so that she can feel secure about her affections for you. Make sure you express your love for her, instead of leaving her hanging and letting her brew a million questions in her own head. She should be able to trust you enough to know that you’ll stand by her, no matter what. She should know that you’ll be there for her in case something goes wrong. That isn’t too hard when you love someone, is it?

10. Sometimes what a woman needs from her man is a sense of humor

A woman totally loves a man who can make her laugh. Well, the tall, dark, handsome, and brooding kind of guys are sexy but women do enjoy a good laugh every now and then in a relationship. So if you have a good sense of humor, be assured that women will be attracted to you. Women like it when their partners make them feel happy and light. A sense of humor is crucial. After all, isn’t being able to joke around and laugh at yourself really important for a healthy relationship?

11. Be supportive of her dreams

What a woman wants from a man in a relationship is to feel supported at all times. A woman wants a man who supports her in her endeavors and encourages her to follow her dreams. She wants her man to celebrate her success and motivate her to achieve her goals, instead of bringing her down or brutally judge her for her choices. Want to be that guy for her? Then encourage her to take up that dream job or follow her passion. Don’t judge her or make her feel less than you if her achievements don’t match yours. Instead, motivate her to be the best version of herself and watch her shower you with so much more love.

12. A woman needs her personal space

One of the primary female expectations in relationships is personal space, and we don’t think that is asking for much. Women value their personal space and alone time, in fact, we all do! It is crucial, whether you are in a committed relationship or not. The relationship is an important part of her life, not her whole life. Make sure you understand and respect this. It is important to strike a balance between your relationship and other aspects of your life. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you have to be together all the time. She may want to spend time with friends, engage with family, pursue a hobby, or unwind by reading her favorite book. She may want to spend some time alone and that’s absolutely normal. She is her own person and has a life outside of the relationship, as should you. It is a sign of a healthy relationship. So, make sure you give her that privacy and space instead of barging in on her sleepovers with her friends or always swinging by her place after work. Make sure you are not invading her privacy.

13. What does a woman want in a man physically? Good sex

Great sex is the key to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Yes, a relationship is about forming an emotional bond with your partner but sexual satisfaction is extremely important too. Let’s be honest – women enjoy sex as much as men do. So, what does a woman want in a man physically? A woman wants a man who is sensitive and accepting of her sexual desires and needs. Sex is meant to please both partners. So, don’t make it all about you. Talk to your girlfriend about what she’s comfortable with, what makes her happy. It should be like a fun adventure where you get to explore each other’s bodies and push the boundaries of pleasure. A woman can’t keep her hands off a man who knows how to pleasure her.

14. An innate sense of comfort, consistency, and freedom

What a woman needs from a man is an environment where she feels comfortable around him. She wants to be able to just be, free to do what she wants without any fear of judgment. Accepting her just the way she is without trying to control or change her is what every woman wants from a man in a relationship. She should be comfortable and feel a sense of closeness in the relationship. It’s not about the physical proximity but a combination of physical, mental, and emotional closeness. It’s about the deep understanding where silences are normal, and not awkward. Women want their partners to be consistent and loyal in the relationship. It means being there for her every day, not giving up on each other, wiping each other’s tears, and taking care of each other’s needs, today and 20 years down the line.

15. Acknowledge and take responsibility for your actions

What does a lady expect from a man in a relationship after a fight or an argument? A woman loves a man who has the ability and emotional maturity to accept his mistakes, know when he’s in the wrong, and apologize. She wants a man who has the courage to show awareness, take responsibility for his actions, and work on rectifying them. A healthy relationship needs a certain level of maturity, otherwise conflicts get worse and the blame game starts. Women like men who can reflect upon their actions and deal with them like grown-ups instead of denying that they did something wrong. Accept that you can be wrong instead of playing defensive. It will only push her away from you and, eventually, ruin the relationship. Acknowledge and apologize for your mistake, try and understand where it came from, and communicate the same to your partner in a calm manner. Remember that every woman is different. Try and talk to her about what she expects out of the relationship. Put your point across but also make an effort to understand her perspective. We know it’s easier said than done but, if you do, she’ll know that you want to be with her as much as she does. She’ll acknowledge your effort and go the extra mile for you. Relationships are constant work, there is no way to cut corners here. There’s nothing called a perfect relationship – it doesn’t exist. But having these qualities goes a long way in establishing a healthy and strong foundation for a relationship. So what are you waiting for? Use these tips to go show your woman that you are the best partner for her and make your relationship a beautiful one!

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